SpiritQuest: Faith and the Life of the Mind

September Sermon and Discussion Series
Sundays in September: 8:30 and 11:00 Worship Services in the morning,
and 7:00  Lecture/Discussion in the evening

SpiritQuest is a meeting place between the scientific endeavor, intellectual inquiry, spiritual wonderment, and intentional living.

SpiritQuest consists of two parts: A sermon in the morning during the regular worship service at Pocatello First United Methodist Church and an evening Lecture and Discussion that explores the issues introduced in the morning sermon. During the evening’s discussion, there will be time for conversation and exploration of further questions.

Topics include:
·  September 5th : “Longing for Something Extraordinary: The Pas de Deux of Faith and Intellect ”
How might the dance of heart and mind, faith and intellect be cultivated in our lives? How does faith seek understanding and intellect ground itself in ultimate concerns?

·   September 12th: “God of Change and God of Glory: Evolution and Faith”
Between  the sensationalized and politicized poles of creationism and atheistic scientism there exists an intriguing range of conversations exploring the intelligibility of the universe, evolution and adaptation of species, theological reflection and scientific investigation.

·   September 19th: “Emptying into Fullness: Complexity, Diversity and Creativity”
How might the Eastern Orthodox understanding of the self-emptying of God provide insight into the paradox of entropy and increasing complexity of evolving systems? Might scientific inquiry suggest new avenues for faith-filled contemplation?

·   September 26th: “To what End? Meaning, Morality and Purpose”
To what end do we direct our intellectual endeavors? Is there purposefulness in the universe? How might the notion of doing that which is right be a constitutive part of reality?
The public is invited to come to morning worship or evening lecture and discussion or to both. Please invite colleagues, friends and all interested people.


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