SpiritQuest: Faith and the Life of the Mind

September Sermon and Discussion Series Sundays in September: 8:30 and 11:00 Worship Services in the morning, and 7:00 Lecture/Discussion in the evening SpiritQuest is a meeting place between the scientific endeavor, intellectual inquiry, spiritual wonderment, and intentional living. SpiritQuest consists of two parts: A sermon in the morning during the regular worship service at Pocatello First United Methodist Church and an evening Lecture and Discussion that explores the issues introduced in the morning sermon. During the evening’s discussion, there will be time for conversation and exploration of further questions. Topics include: · September 5 th : “Longing for Something Extraordinary: The Pas de Deux of Faith and Intellect ” How might the dance of heart and mind, faith and intellect be cultivated in our lives? How does faith seek understanding and intellect ground itself in ultimate concerns? · September 12 th : “God of Change and God of Glor...