Feeling Overwhelmed?

Egads, has it really been 3 weeks since I last published? 

Greatest apologies all around. 

The big announcement is that I have been working all week on a new website for Pocatello First United Methodist Church. The beta version is ready for publishing and testing on various servers. Some features such as the dynamic calendar and finished video, plus slide shows on several pages, have yet to be composed and added. But the basics are there, including....

......Drumroll ..........

... A FULL ARCHIVE OF SERMONS! Yes, all the sermons I have preached at PFUMC will be available for your reading pleasure and edification. The website is found at www.pocatelloumc.org (if you didn't already click on the blue link above.)

But, on to this week's sermon. I begin with this question: Take a walk around your memory banks and tell me - what was the most overwhelming experience in your life? What was it that happened to you that seemed totally beyond your ability to handle? Were you ever given an assignment in life, a mission to accomplish, a hill to conquer that you thought would be the end of you?

(more forthcoming)


  1. Hi, just a moment back I was searching for the information on the same topic and now I am here. So much information, really well executed blog. This is really informative and I will for sure refer my friends the same. Thanks
    video sermons


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