Creating the Beloved Community

Over the course of the next three Sundays, January 10, 17 and 24, I will be preaching on The Beloved Community. Creating the Beloved Community was an idea that was central to the thinking and work of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Accordingly, my blogs for the next three weeks will explore aspects of Dr. King's thought and practice that relate to this idea. In addition, I'm going to explore how Dr. King's religious faith found expression in political and social action, all of it filtered through the lens of the Beloved Community.

A good overview of Dr. King's concept is found in an article by Kenneth L. Smith and Ira G. Zepp, Jr. entitled "Martin Luther King's Vision of the Beloved Community." The King Center in Atlanta, Georgia is also an excellent place to find out about Dr. King's ideas and work. The Martin Luther King, Jr., National Day of Service has extensive information concerning the 40 Day Pledge of Nonviolence

These are all good places to begin. Check this blogspot frequently for updates and more information.


  1. I really like your message about non-violent resistance in today's sermon. It is a concept that can be applied to our personal lives.


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