Of Ferengi, Kisses and Belly Buttons

So here are some things to ponder: How might the Ferengi from Star Trek, Yard Sales, Moses, Andor Foldes and a kiss help us to understand stewardship?

Or here's another question: have you ever met a person who has never had a belly button? I knew of a woman once who had to have hers removed because of an infection. She was very self-conscious about it and never wore a swimming suit in public. But outside of that, belly buttons are ubiquitous. What do our belly buttons tell us about life? Just this: that we are not self-existent. We do not create ourselves. We owe our very existence to a billion forces and One Force beyond ourselves.

So considering that, look at the following picture and describe what is theologically incorrect (besides the obvious fact that God is depicted as a big old dude with a long beard). Correct answers will be treated to a cup of coffee or comparable beverage of your choice at any of our fine establishments in Pocatello.

Hope to see you in church Sunday.
Pastor Craig


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