Life, a Lake, and a Lesson in Grace

Earlier this year, our District Superintendent, John Tucker , sponsored an essay contest around the question, "What is your understanding of humanity, and the human need for divine grace?" The idea was to address this question without a lot of theological jargon, and to develop new ways to address this question that are more accessible to the average person on the street, or in the pew. My essay was not chosen, but I'd like to share it with you anyway. Let me know what you think about it. Life, a Lake, and a Lesson in Grace I sit on a rock at the edge of Wallowa Lake. It is a perfect rock to sit cross-legged on and meditate. It is a huge granite boulder, scraped out of the Wallowa Mountain Range by the glacier that covered this area during the last Ice Age, and deposited by the northern edge of the glacial gouge in the earth that became Wallowa Lake. It has a gentle indentation that perfectly fits my butt cheeks when I sit on it, sort of like those old seats on my...