Components of Culture 2: Arts

I have renamed this blog, "Pastor Craig's ConSpiritu Blog" for a very specific reason. I have adopted the name "ConSpiritu" as a symbolic shorthand for talking about the collaborative creation of culture. ConSpiritu exists for me in an imaginal realm at the moment, as a container or, better yet, a crucible for awaiting the right ingredients, i.e., collaborators, to be brought together and catalyzed into creating various cultural artifacts and events. Here in the second decade of the new millennium, there are overwhelming indications that we are not only on the verge of undergoing sweeping cultural changes but that it is imperative that we undertake the work of intentionally changing culture. There is potential and great impending need for this to happen. Deep Ecologist and Systems Theoretician Joanna Macy refers to this time as the Great Turning - a time in which our society reorients its priorities and behaviors in order to live sustainably and harm...