The Violent Dark and the Coming of the Light
I began this blog last Monday, and the busy events of this last week intervened before I completed it. Maybe the slight passage of time will assist in the reception of these thoughts… I have been shocked and speared through the heart these past few days by the horror of the recent shootings in Newtown, Connecticut. I am well-assured that I am not alone in these feelings. As I have struggled as a person whose call is to put into words that which is ultimately beyond description – the immensity and power of God’s love, mercy, justice and grace – I have been at a loss for an adequate way to articulate a response that is helpful, truthful, and insightful, and which does not simply regurgitate the many canards and nostrums circulating on Facebook and the Internet. Last Sunday, as we prepared to have our hearts lifted by the magnificent tones of our choir’s cantata, I paused before we lit the three candles of Advent to remind the congregation that it was because of just such ...