Where Is Your Heart?

What follows below is a fuller version of the sermon I wrote for this last Sunday. I am currently unable to post sermons to my church website, so am posting it here instead. Later this week I will post sermon thoughts toward this next Sunday’s sermon, which will be entitled “The Heart of the Matter, or The Matter of the Heart.” "Where Is Your Heart?" Sermon, July 24, 2011 Luke 12:32-40 Craig S. Strobel A visit from Maxine Thirteen years ago, Maxine showed up on our doorstep. We had not advertised, we had not even inquired around, but she showed up anyway. We weren’t quite sure what to make of her, but after intense negotiations we allowed her to stay. And she then proceeded to win over our hearts. You see, Maxine was a puppy, possibly a Rottweiler, Shepherd, Labrador mix of unknown parentage. And out of the blue, she appeared on our doorstep. I was reticent at first, but then I recalled the Bible saying something about entertaining angels unaware. But there is a twist to th...