Questions About Mark's Gospel

This last Sunday in worship, a small performance group presented the first half of “the Good News According to Mark.” Our text is taken straight from the Bible. Two narrators share the narration, one person plays Jesus and three persons take all the rest of the speaking roles, ranging from John the Baptist, to disciples to townspeople to Pharisees to Pilate and Herod. On Monday, I received an e-mail from a parishioner that said the following: I really enjoyed the presentation on Sunday morning and have two questions: 1. Why didn't Jesus want the miracles told? 2. Why did he tell the disciples to "shake the dust off your feet as a testament against them?" I decided to share my response with a wider audience, because the questions point to some of the deeper themes that Mark works with. So here is my response to that parishioner’s questions, and perhaps yours as well: You ask, "Why didn't Jesus want the miracles told?" Scholars h...