I'm a Social Justice Christian: The Bible Tells Me so

Several months ago, arch-conservative Fox News Commentator Glenn Beck urged his listeners to try and “out” their pastors to see if they were what Beck derided as being “Social Justice Christians.” Many pastors rose to the occasion, publically proclaiming that they were proud to identify themselves as being “Social Justice Christians.” This is my public proclamation of the same. I am proud to proclaim I am a Social Justice Christian. I am a Social Justice Christian because the Bible tells me to be one. I am a Social Justice Christian because Jesus tells me to be one. I am a Social Justice Christian because being one reflects the life and teaching and personal example of Jesus Christ. I am a Social Justice Christian because the vast witness of the Biblical prophets call me to be one. I am a Social Justice Christian even though the term is, in reality, redundant. The following Biblical passages, assembled in no particular order, all reflect the Social Justice teachings of the Bi...