So What's So Hot About Christianity?

Let’s say you are having lunch with a friend, or with a long-lost cousin, or maybe your grandchildren. You’re talking about things going on in your life, what you’ve been doing lately, and the subject of church comes up. Let’s say that the person you are talking with is not a church-goer, and, in fact, isn’t even a believer. At some point in the conversation they look you straight in the eye and ask, “So what’s so hot about Christianity, anyway?” What do you say? Poll after poll has revealed that fewer and fewer people under the age of 30 are interested in attending church. The reason? Because of the attitudes and behavior of the people who are attending now. And yet, those same polls reveal that these young people are craving after a spiritual center and sense of purpose in their life. The majority of young people want to make a difference in the world, and they want to help make the world a better place to live. They just find that the attitudes of people in the churches alrea...